Class Notes for PHY30: The Standard Model

The Theoretical Minimum Class Series

Professor Leonard Susskind


Lecture 1: Jan 11, 2010

    Renormalization, particle-field-forces, particle zoo

Lecture 2: Jan 18, 2010

    Missed this lecture (I’ll add notes when I can see the video)

Lecture 3: Jan 25, 2010

    Groups and symmetries, group representations and start on

    group generators

    Spin up/down, rotation groups, color

Lecture 4: Feb 1, 2010

    Groups continued - Generators,   subgroups of transform of q*q, gluon

    fields and confinement due to gluon interaction

Lecture 5: Feb 8, 2010

    Gauge theories, gauge bosons,  relative strengths of forces,  model of

    the Weak force

Lecture 6: Feb 15, 2010

    Why is the Weak force weak?  Propagators.   Spontaneous and explicit

    symmetry breaking

Lecture 7: Feb 22, 2010

    Continuous symmetry breaking.  Gauge Invariance for U(1) symmetry.

Lecture 8: Mar 1, 2010

    The Goldstone boson gets eaten, giving mass to the gauge boson via

    the Higgs field.

Lecture 9: Mar 8, 2010

    The Higgs mechanism for giving mass to fermions.

Lecture 10: Mar 15, 2010

    Some review of renormalization, and the Higgs mechanism for fermions.

    More on the Higgs field and condensed matter analogs.  Commentary on

    the running charges for the electromagnetic, weak, strong, gravity and

    their intersection near the Planck mass leading to next quarters topic.

Ken’s Reading List:

    The Gauge Hierarchy Problem - by Leonard Susskind

    Conceptual Foundations of the Unified Theory of Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions  - Nobel Lecture, Steven Weinberg