Class Notes for PHY32: String Theory

The Theoretical Minimum Class Series

Professor Leonard Susskind


Lecture 1: Sep 20, 2010

    Origins of string theory in hadron physics, the infinite momentum/boost frame, model of a string


Lecture 2: Sep 27, 2010

    Preliminary math and physics concepts, the model of an open string

Lecture 3: Oct 4, 2010

    Harmonic oscillator review, spin of massless particles (photons and gravitons), the low lying spectrum of strings, tachyon problem, basics of string interactions

Lecture 4: Oct 11, 2010

    Charge quantization (Kaluza-Klein/Dirac Monopole arguments), review of Noether’s theorem, the closed string model, level matching rule

Lecture 5: Oct 18, 2010

    I will be missing this lecture.  Covered Planck units, rationale for 26 dimensions in Bosonic string theory.   I’ll eventually add notes from video.

Lecture 6: Oct 25, 2010

    Fundamental physics parameters are unit-less, adding spin to mass points of strings, the Veneziano amplitude, and scattering of strings.

Lecture 7: Nov 1, 2010

    Fermionic string oscillations, analytic continuation trick for path integrals, action in string theories, invariance under conformal mapping, applying conformal mapping to string scattering

Lecture 8: Nov 8, 2010

    Some history of path/surface integrals, conformal mapping, use of conformal mapping in string scattering

Lecture 9: Nov 22, 2010

    Gravity and string theory, compactification, the energy spectrum of strings on compact manifolds, T-duality

Lecture 10: Nov 29, 2010

    More on T-duality, D-Branes, modeling QFT, QCD and EM

Lecture 11: Jan 10, 2011

    String theory wrapup, the end of reductionism, S[trength]-duality between D1-strings and fundamental strings, other connections